Core - 31 August 2021
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.28365.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.28354.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-Data.ViewsV2DataService-1.4.28412.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Fix for unable to mark guard as arrived when processing an event
- Updated Nuget Packages and an Event is created if View Session event does not exist
- Added some unit tests for Quick Control permissions
- Get Config enhancements for Data Service
- Enhancements and fixes for GetConfig functionality to v2.
- Correct Type is shown when editing responses
- Correct data is shown when editing responses
- Refresh functionality for badge activity
- Device Setup screen to use cache
- Added the live video connection attempt maximum duration preference to device data
- Updated v2-cameras
Core - 24 August 2021
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.28137.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.27941.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.28178.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.28041.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Allow access to Views Insight Reports with view only permissions
- Fix error in dispatch drop-down does not reflect "En Route" Status between Operators
- Update to self heal audit video upon error.
- Limit audit video to 5 retry attempts on error
- Camera column on alarm bulk import is now searchable. Increased performance of alarm bulk import with use of new area tree select component.
- Updated Alarm and Processing Time reports to prevent timeouts
- User can choose whether an event is a Duress Event
- Can now set events to be a Duress Event
- Enhancements and fixes for GetConfig functionality to v2.
- New permissions are added for new Quick Control view
- Speed up the Alarm setup screen to load faster
- Improved performance of alarm setup page
- Update methods to load data into the cache in one go
- Insight History Pref changed to number of reports stored
- Updated Save Report History to set max number of records
- Updated Insight History Pref to be the number of user reports.
- Insight Report History not available now shown to user
- Fixed report category dropdown
- Ensuring correct permissions are applied for new Quick Control Plugin
- Ability to now tag other active users in the guard chat
- Ability to tag users in guard chat
Core - 17 August 2021
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.27343.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.27751.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.27858.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.27769.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Updated the Average Processing Time by Area report to correctly process parked events
- Fix for users can manual raise events to sites with manual raise disabled
- Updated the User Role permissions modal so that the Add All / Remove All buttons work when creating a new User Role
- Updating SQL version to improve stability when fetching the Event Queue.
- New report "Linked Camera History Report" created
- Added text warning when increasing default grid size
- Added ability to add Max grid size for views - defaults to 5 x 5
- Lockdown by events title updated for permission for updating configurations via checkbox.
- Updated lock / unlock and momentary unlock text.
- Renamed column from RequestData to Url, and removed InsightID column in InsightsHistory table
- Added API endpoints for Insights Favorites & History
- Fix issue where user has no favorites throws error
- Updated saving report history to store the URL
- Added new database schema changes to support the Duress feature
- Fix issue with duplicate timezones in report link
- Added ability to dispatch guards with matching alarm queue filters.
- Added ability to dispatch guards with matching alarm queue filters.
- Fixes to the database schema for the Duress feature
- Removed whitespace between columns in UserGroup constraint as this was causing an error
- Changes to support configuring S3 filestores via System Settings.
- Added ability to dispatch guards with matching alarm queue filters. Altered how guards with longer call signs are displayed.
- Changes to System Settings to allow the configuration of S3 filestores.
- Improvements to the Filestore System Settings page.
- Added validation to guard dispatch. Fixed bug where guards could return to available state instead of dispatched state after completing an event.
- Added Last Updated Field to groups for cases sync changes.
- Updates for S3 storage.
- Added feature flag for selecting the type when creating a new Filestore.
- Adds Insights History and Favorites
- Fixed issues with Insights History and Insights Favourites
- Resolving issues when playing videos uploaded through Stored Files.
- Performance improvements for database federation requests, specifically related to check session requests.
- Updated SpProcessingAlarm has been updated to remove deadlock with restoring audit
- Get Config enhancements for Data Service
Core - 03 August 2021
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.26844.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.26871.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.26971.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Fix for assets for map layers not loading in map setup
- Updated Map Setup to only show broken map items if the feature flag ShowBrokenMapItems is enabled
- Updated Alarm Event List report to increase performance with large data sets
- Added the ability to retrieve all map setup items that have not been linked to a layer. Removed this logic from the retrieval of map layer items. An Updated UI is required to display the unlinked items in a different UI only layer.
- Fix for an error pertaining to map setup regarding the unlinked items layer.
- Fixed an issue in map setup whereby parts of the linked layers and device selection dropdowns in the item edit popup were being cut off. Fixed an issue regarding the editing of map layer items. Added a new default UI only layer : unlinked layer. NOTE: The latest data service package is required for these changes to work as intended.
- Added some unit tests for behind the scenes quality assurance.
- Fixed an issue with tooltips in alarm setup sometimes blocking buttons.
- Fixed an issue with the My Account dialog being closed when selecting certain settings.
- Removing unused tables.
- Removing unused tables.
- Fixed issue with badge activity not showing up when searching for an response within alarm points
- Badge activity changed header from server date/time to utc date/time
- Added filtering of Parked Time to the Alarm Processing Time reports
- Fixed an issue with Parked Time filtering in the reports
- Fixed an issue with Parked Time filtering in the reports
- Added filtering of Parked Time to the Alarm Processing Time reports
- Adding support for cloud-based File Storage.
- Fixed error which is thrown when saving a user group role.
- Device setup updated to use new area tree select component
- Removed endpoint call for area select as no longer used
- New feature which allows guards with an alarm queue filter to be dispatched to events which qualify for that alarm queue filter.
- New feature which allows guards with an alarm queue filter to be dispatched to events which qualify for that alarm queue filter.
- Dispatch bug fix
- New feature which allows guards with an alarm queue filter to be dispatched to events which qualify for that alarm queue filter. Fixed a bug which prevented guard alarm queue filters from being managed.
- Added new feature, Use Dedicated Close Button
- Replaced the area picker in the Media Matrix.
- Removed a performance bottleneck from the media matrix.
- Added a new feature that sets reaveals a close button on views tabs instead of closing them via the context menu.
- Adjusted the positioning of the dropdown options on the tab of each view in the views peage to be more in line with the name of the view.
- Fixed an issue with the Event Outcome action where you could add multiple actions to an Event
- Fixing minor issue with new File Store types.
- Reverting changes to FileStores to resolve installation issues.
- Further changes to support S3 as a FileStore.
- Removing the FileStoreType and Config columns.
- Updated Map Asset Search to Include Distance to Asset in Meters
- Updated Map Asset Search to Include Distance to Asset in Meters
- Updated Contacts model to reflect UI changes
- Updated Contacts to use the newer AreaTreeSelect for better performance
- Updated to support new report Linked Camera History
- Added a new report for the link / unlinking history of cameras (Linked Camera History)
- New report "Linked Camera History Report" created
- Added new feature flag for selecting area type when adding or editing areas.
- Added ability to select an area type when adding/editing an area.
- Added ability to select an area type when adding/editing an area.
- Fixed bug preventing new areas from being created
- Resolved an issue with unit tests. UI is unaffected.
- Replaced the area select tool in Alarm Queue Filter edit dialog
- Addition of new preference: Override original area tree call, which allows the overriding of the original area tree request with the newer implementation.
- Update original area tree logic to leverage new area tree methods and convert data accordingly.
- Feature update to change Tours tab to active tours and will only show tours that are active
- Changes to support object storage as a File Store.
- Added FileStoreType to FileStores table
- Updated FileStoreTypeID to allow Nulls
- Update External Map Layer to remove unused old area tree
- Updated Settings page to use new area tree picker for performance improvement
- Mobile Event Queue feature switch added
- Alarm Queue Events now visible in Mobile, in Right Side Bar
- Alarm Queue Events now visible on Mobile Map
- Replaced the area select parts of the mobile app.
- Added support for changing the default priority of alarms added through Sync.
- New Feature to enable/disable Get Config within Devices
- Get Config changes for Data Service
- Adding GetConfig functionality to v2.
- Updated the Sync page 'Add Sync Entry' modal to display available sync systems when searching
- Fixed an issue with alarm action bulk import returning no cameras
- Added functionality to get ancestors by groupId
- Changed the update to allow children to remain in the same area and added another option : when original outcome did not have a parent but now does.
- Updated event category screen: area tree select to cater for different hierarchy changes based on parent events
- Removed event search and fixed numerous bugs
- Fixed issue with event outcome within event search.
- Replaced the area picker in the video tour setup pages.
- Improved performance in Alarm Point page using the new area selection dropdown
- Added feature flag for lock unlock.
- Updated the Avg. Response Time by Operator drilldown to use a new report (Avg. Response Time by Outcome)
- Updated the Avg. Response Time by Operator drilldown to use a new report (Avg. Response Time by Outcome)
- Added new feature for locking and unlocking relay's via quick control.
- Refactored the mobile map to allow for other features.
- Increased consistency by changing to the dropdown that is used throughout the application
- Adding ability to lock files in non-local Filestores.
- Updated default value for Created on CallQueue.
- Added PrefType and FeatureFlags for Insight Report Favourites and History
- Added new tables for Insights History and Favorites with associated event record types
- User interface updated for the Lockdown by events feature.
- Addressed testing feedback for the feature Lockdown by events.
- Updated permission, pref and feature flag for Lockdown by Events feature.
- Permission details updated for the Lockdown by events feature.
- Permission title updated for the functionality of selecting lockdown configurations to update via a checkbox.
- Added ability to add Max grid size for views - defaults to 5 x 5
- Added pref to allow changing of quick controls 'momentary unlock' text to 'pulse'.
Core - 06 July 2021
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.25368.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.25199.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.25330.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.25350.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Fixed issue where entering values too quickly in Quick control caused an error
- Updated Map Asset Search to correctly search assets when using whitespace characters
- Updated session check expiry threshold to 2 minutes
- Fix logout and user activity issues
- Reduced session update frequency
- Updated response to contain the server type ID
- Badge activity date formatting
- Updated the push notification library.
- Added new PrefType - 'DateTime revert change Site Arm Status'
- Adds additional functionality to handle the change site arm status automation. It allows a time to be set (in hours and minutes) from the point the alarm is activated, where the status of the alarm will automatically revert back to its original state.
- Adds additional functionality to the change site arm status automation. It allows a time to be set (in hours and minutes) from the point the alarm is activated, where the status of the alarm will automatically revert back to its original state.
- Added new feature for badge activity in alarm points.
- Added a new action step for setting the event outcome.
- Added a new action step for setting the event outcome.
- Added a new action step for setting the event outcome.
- Fixed Issue with Report builder not returning active alarms when excluding auto handled events.
- Update to fix issue with badge activity tab always showing no matter the response. Also changed date time timezones.
- Fixed various issues with the Event outcome action
- Alarm setup updated to use new area select component
Core - 29 June 2021
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.24784.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.25145.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.25157.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.25125.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Performance improvements when using the area arming and disarming dialog.
- Performance improvements when using the area arming and disarming dialog.
- Addressed a Media Matrix issue where a subset of footage is played for a pre-alarm clip
- Updated Map Setup to now correctly update plotted items and refresh layers when an item is removed from a layer. Fixed an issue where map layers would not correctly load the amount of items plotted.
- Updated Map Setup to now correctly update plotted items and refresh layers when an item is removed from a layer. Fixed an issue where map layers would not correctly load the amount of items plotted.
- Fixed Action Plan loading issue on the Event Configuration page
- Allows user to switch callsigns
- Allowing new guard types to be able to see assessment tours
- Upgrade of version
- Can dispatch guard to any tour
- Updated title and description of consecutive characters password check pref.
- Updated password complexity checks to check for consecutive characters, be it repeating, spelling out the alphabet or counting in order.
- Area address added to Sitrep reports
- Updated Apple Push Notification certificates.
- Updated password complexity checks to prevent the usage of current/previous passwords as a new password.
- Update which allows validation of password complexities on password reset screen.
- Update which allows validation of password complexities on password reset screen.
- Added feature flag for managing Active Directories
- Added feature flag for managing Active Directories
- Added new event record type - setup region
- Added new API endpoints for setting up regions
- Fix getting domain groups when user group does not exists
- Added the ability to manage regions under System Settings
- Fix issue when checking preference on region setup
- Display alert when domain group mapping is invalid
- Values Added to support LDAPS
- Updated system event queue to play audio alert
- Added LDAP Domain Configuration
- Added permission for badge activity
- Domain Management added to the data service
- Added Active Directory support for setting up Domains with associated Domain Groups.
- Updated UI look for Domain Table and Modal
- New feature flag to allow AlarmsSetup to revert site alarms after a period of time
- LDAP Management Modal was added
- New preference to check the search terms in any order checkbox on Views Swipe and Show plugin by default.
- add ldap management modal tests
- N/A
- Added endpoint to renew an expired users password.
- Added update expired password functionality to login page
- Region and Domain Groups tables made more intuitive when setting up new records
- Moving the Admin Service Health Check preferences to the correct category so they are visible on the system settings page.
- Added badge activity within alarm points
Core - 22 June 2021
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.24742.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.24684.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.24729.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Added a new preference for showing hidden device types.
- Hidden server types will no longer show up in event configuration
- Hidden server types will no longer show up in event configuration
- Update to allow defaulting to mechanical PTZ in camera preview (via system settings)
- Update to device controller to update cache when a device is updated.
- Update to allow defaulting to mechanical PTZ in camera preview (via system settings)
- UI update to system settings page to correct issue where tooltips were preventing clicking on edit and delete buttons.
- Added a new pref type to show a confirmation dialog for ending audit mode events
- Fixed an issue with guards not being set to available when ending an audit mode event
- Added a new pref type to show a confirmation dialog for ending audit mode events
- Added feature flag and permission for managing domains
- Added Active Directory tab in Permissions page
- Added new permissions for domain groups setup
- Added new APIs to setup domain group mappings.
- Added functionality to setup domain group mappings.
- Allows a user to switch their callsign
- Update to prevent not logged in exceptions when data service has db connection issues.
- Added user and group landing page columns.
- Functionality to set and retrieve user landing page.
- Added functionality to set a landing page via user settings or by user group roles.
- Added feature flag to user settings tab, which will only be shown if user landing page is enabled.
- CCure post process attempts pref for max post process attempts updated to contain a parent
- Update UL Site Setup template to support missing information
- Updated pref type Local Region URL Category and Parent to Database Federation
- Allows tours to be displayed in event queue whilst hiding the tours footer tab
- Added Feature to display tours within the event queue and to hide the tours tab
- Backend changes supported ungrouping of system events for UI
- Updated UI for better displaying of system events
- UI update to fix an issue where invalid data was being sent to the system queue endpoint preventing it from closing the events.
- Added Okta SAML SSO support
- Users and Contacts should be able to receive email alerts for when setup changes are made and receive any incident related emails.
- Added 'Receive incident emails' and 'Receive setup change emails' check boxes to Users and Contacts. This should allow users to be able to receive email alerts for when setup changes are made and receive any incident related emails.
- Update to clear PasswordExpiry value when a password is reset, allowing a user to login straight away.
- Set server type to readonly when editing within event configuration.
- Fix issue where seconds from start on incident reports were incorrect
- Update to correctly set the RequiresIncidentProcessing flag when closing out an event.
- Added missing alarm acknowledgement port
- Fixed issue with setting ack queue status
- Fix alarm ack table definition
- Added a new type of guard
Core - 15 June 2021
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.24342.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.24249.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.24307.0.svpkg
- Integration/CCure/UI/PostProcessingQueue (Integration/CCure/UI/PostProcessingQueue)
Show the post processing queue in the alarm processing page
Issue Updates:
- Fixed an issue with Guard Tour Setup map item filters.
- Fixed an issue causing the alarm event list insight report to time out with large amounts of events
- Added support for new area select in Views Area Details plugin
- The 'Event' column within the parked section of the event queue is now named 'Type'. New column added to same section displaying the event's name which is named 'Event'.
- Added Regions to the Views Plugin Area Details
- Reconfigured the data service to more appropriately log the users presence on the event queue without flooding the database with constant requests or holding up the retrieval of data for the event queue.
- Improved the efficiency at which the app detects that you are the last user on the even queue. Improved the efficiency at which the app detects that connection to the services has been lost.
- Added missing column for response data.
- Unified the dispatch queue in the mobile interface
- Foreign Keys added to Domain and DomainGroups
- Sitrep reports made UL compliant
- Added Okta SAML SSO support
- Added Okta SAML SSO support
- Added Okta SAML SSO support
- Added permission for being able to interact with regions in Views.
- Improvements to device searching in the new Area Tree.
- Adding support for DB federation to Views.
- Fixes an issue where being logged out regionally would not be reported correctly.
- Added permission for using the Swipe and Show Plugin for different Regions
Core - 08 June 2021
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.23983.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.23937.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.23994.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-Data.ViewsV2DataService-1.4.23890.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Fixed issue where alarm points would be loading infinitely.
- Added OutOfSchedule property to the EventRecord class
- Performance improvements for areas/devices in Views.
- Database changes required for the CCure post processing queue feature
- Added pref for events in post process to be regionally communicated
- Data service changes required for the CCure post processing queue
- User interface changes required for the CCure post processing queue
- Updated to fix permission error when creating a restricted view.
- Update for permissions check when cloning restricted views
- Updated Swipe and Show plugin to work with DB Federation.
- Updated API to support the detection of a group OnTest
- Added pref check for sending events in post process to other regions
- Changed appearance of view/edit user tooltip on users page
- Adding support for additional content in the area tree.
- Adding support for additional content in the area tree.
- User interface updates based on feedback for the CCure post processing functionality
Core - 01 June 2021
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.23619.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.23535.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.23754.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.23625.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Updated to enable removal of waypoints directly from Guard Tour Setup
- Improved the map item cache build frequency on the Guard Tour Setup screen.
- Fixed an issue with displaying Waypoints on the map.
- Speed improvements to the Guard Tour Setup page.
- Update allowing the retrieval of broken map setup items and creation of a feature flag for this behaviour.
- Added an endpoint to retrieve all mapped items for map layers. And updated the endpoints to allow retrieval of broken map items.
- Updated Map Setup to correctly filter out already mapped items. Added a new feature allowing the display of broken map items on map setup with their own icons.
- UX Update to correct an issue where when selecting a tab in device setup content or results were shown.
- Added ability to configure Filestores in System Settings.
- Adding ability to configure Filestores in System Settings.
- Removed PrefType not being used anymore
- Added unit tests for ESRI Report Authentication Tokens
- Removed PrefType not being used anymore
- Updated the report system to always show the GeoJson URL links for certain reports.
- Added supporting functionality for camera regions.
- Fix issue where region is not returned correctly
- Updates to improve site tree performance in the UI.
Core - 25 May 2021
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.23470.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.23477.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.23158.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.23370.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-Data.ViewsV2DataService-1.4.23290.0.svpkg
- Shows newest chat messages on top (Alarms/SiteMonitor/ChatMessagesNewestOnTop)
When enabled, new Guard Chat messages will be added on top of the list
- Alarms/SiteMonitor/Messages (Alarms/SiteMonitor/Messages)
Enables Guard Chat
Issue Updates:
- Fixed issue in Event Search page where Outcome Path only works for nested outcomes.
- Pref added to manage the zoom level at which to load map layers and map items in the Views' Maps plugin
- Pref added to manage the zoom level at which to load map layers and map items in the Views' Maps plugin
- Functionality added to enhance performance on loading map layers
- Pref added to manage the zoom level at which to load map layers and map items in the Views' Maps plugin
- Added appropriate error message
- Now have the ability to view old data
- Added more specific permissions for the Action Plan setup and Dispatch setup pages.
- Added functionality to retrieve the dispatched guards
- Added support for the Data.MobileGuard functionality to the report module
- Added support for the Data.MobileGuard functionality to the report module
- Updated Reports module MobileGuard package version
- Updated the Report system to support the Mobile Guard report
- Added a service for retrieving Alarm Suppression preferences.
- New feature to allow search terms to match in any order when searching for cameras in views.
- New feature to allow search terms to match in any order when searching for cameras in views.
- New feature to allow search terms to match in any order when searching for cameras in views.
- New feature to allow search terms to match in any order when searching for cameras and groups in views.
- Improved validation when adding/updating user
- Added additional options when adding/updating a user.
- ESRI process updates for reports
- Added support for ESRI Report Authentication Tokens
- Added support for ESRI Report Authentication Tokens
- Updated Report builder for GeoJson URL's
- Fixes for bulk import
- Removed unnecessary column containing the row index within bulk import.
- ESRI process updates for reports
- Added new feature flag for UL type settings
- Updated permissions for users changing the public status of views.
- Updated permissions for users changing the public status of views.
- Updated permissions for users changing the public status of views.
- Fix for alarm setup automation tooltip obfuscation
- Mobile guard chat moved to release
- Fixed issue with group select within event search
- Added endpoints to support User password resetting.
- Added ability to set account recovery questions in the accounts page. Added ability for users to reset their password via the Reset Password Modal on the login page.
Core - 18 May 2021
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.23034.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.22949.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.23084.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-Data.ViewsV2DataService-1.4.23005.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Fixed the width of the area selected OnGuard Tour Setup page.
- Fixed bulk import validation issues.
- Added inherit check when returning user groups within views.
- Fixed an issue with loading Alarm Queue Filters on Dispatch Setup page
- Added new permissions for Dispatch setup and Action Plan setup pages.
- Updated the permissions required for Guard Tour setup.
- Added new permissions for Action Plan setup and Dispatch setup.
- Added NuGet package support
- Set the PrefType ID 306 (ESRI Report Auth Token) to be a system Pref
- Allow users table columns to be sortable in the users page.
- Added support for pulsing doors and resetting alarms in remote regions.
- Added temporary package transaction to update the Prefs table
- Removed previous PackageDef.xml temporary transaction changes
- Added region selection to the Arm / Disarm Modal
- Updated Alarm Points Modal to allow viewing and masking of alarms regionally.
- Fixing minor issues when searching for alarms in the Linked Task modal.
Core - 11 May 2021
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.22879.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.22868.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.22881.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-Data.ViewsV2DataService-1.4.22698.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Fix for ExternalMenuLink permissions
- Fixed area details taking excessive time to load
- Updated CCure stored procedure so it returns all alarms that need to be force restored
- Updated Custom Script API to work with IIS Settings
- Phase 1 Part 2 improvements for bulk import
- Phase 1 Part 2 improvements for bulk import
- Updating the Report system to support auth tokens
- Updated the Report system to support auth tokens
- Updated the Report system to support the Active Alarms report
- Addition of CustomMapViewTypes, specifically the enhanced zoom light type. This type makes the map tiles completely white and allows you to zoom in much further than normal google maps tiles
- Addition of CustomMapViewTypes, specifically the enhanced zoom light type. This type makes the map tiles completely white and allows you to zoom in much further than normal google maps tiles.
- Minor improvements to the UI.
- Added Call EventType
- Updated Call EventType
- Updated Call EventType
- Update to allow users in sub groups to edit user groups within views
- Optimisation on allowing users in sub groups to edit user groups within views
- Updated Alarm Event List report to include Alarm Name and Event Type
- DS changes for update to use google maps geocoder for address lookups
- Update to use google maps geocoder for address lookups
- Fix - Pipeline tests failing occasionally on dispatch setup tests
- Fix for missing eventUser on initial event record within manual raise.
- Fix to ensure eventUserID is added to the correct eventRecord
- Fixed GeoJson URL for the Active Alarms report
- Changed the column order of the Alarm Event List report
Core - 27 April 2021
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.22282.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.22265.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.22288.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Added the ability to unmute audio on the Audit Player
- Contact Roles and Role Areas now need to both be set or not at all in order to save changes to contacts
- Filtered Assessments only for Assessor-type Guards.
- Added a permission for an Assessor guard type.
- Enhancements for DB Federation.
- Added permissions for DB Federation
- Updated Tours to assessments
- Fixed a bug where the 'Available as Contact' checkbox was not visible when adding a new user
- Added new PrefType for InsightsShares records
- Added EventTypes and EventRecordTypes for Custom Reports
- Phase one, part two improvements for bulk import feature
- Added a new preference for displaying the date in the Event Search results
- Added Pref for disabling video retention
- Updated Matrix container to handle new disableCameraRecording pref
- Added Guard Tour Step information to Event Tasks
- Added new feature flag for UL type settings
- Fixed issues with Action Plans on Mobile
- Replaced area select on guard tour setup
- Fixed issues with Action Plans on mobile
- Fixed interface issue in Action Setup
- Fix to allow area to be clearable on server type event setup
- Added new Guard types.
- Update to add new Guard types.
- Updated the Guard types and how they are edited
- Added permissions for new Database Federation enhancements.
- Added an Assessment Completion Action Type
Core - 20 April 2021
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.21885.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.21936.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.21880.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.21682.0.svpkg
- CC-DATAMODULE-Data.ViewsV2DataService-1.4.21085.0.svpkg
- Show Reference Shots for Cameras (Devices/ShowReferenceShots)
Show reference shots for cameras
- AlarmSetup (AlarmSetup)
Configure alarms
- AlarmSetup/Actions (AlarmSetup/Actions)
Configure alarm actions
- AlarmSetup/TestAlarm (AlarmSetup/TestAlarm)
Allows alarms to be tested
- Show Reference Shots for Cameras (Devices/ShowReferenceShots)
Show reference shots for cameras within device setup
- ActionSetup (ActionSetup)
Allows access to new Action setup interface
- Devices (Devices)
Configure devices and their cameras
- MapSetup (MapSetup)
Allows creation and plotting of map layers and map items
- Mobile (Mobile)
- Mobile/CheckIn (Mobile/CheckIn)
Enables deployed guards to check in at certain locations
- Mobile/Dispatch (Mobile/Dispatch)
Mobile guard interface
- Mobile/GuardCovering (Mobile/GuardCovering)
Enables guards to cover for each other within mobile
- Mobile/Live (Mobile/Live)
Mobile live cameras interface
- Mobile/ManageDispatch (Mobile/ManageDispatch)
Manage dispatching from within mobile
- Mobile/MobileRaise (Mobile/MobileRaise)
Enables the ability to perform mobile raises on mobile
- Mobile/Views (Mobile/Views)
Mobile Views interface
- Settings (Settings)
Enables access to the V2 Settings page
- Views/ManualRaise (Views/ManualRaise)
Enables the ability to perform a manual raise from a camera within Views
- Views/ManualRaise/Recording (Views/ManualRaise/Recording)
Manual raises performed from a camera within Views will include 30 seconds of recorded footage in the alarm
- Views/Map/Clustering (Views/Map/Clustering)
Allows clustering of nearby objects when zoomed out of the map
- Views/UserGroups (Views/UserGroups)
Enables the ability to restrict Views to User Groups
Issue Updates:
- Media Matrix - Cell Border Colour Bug Fix
- Fixed issue where playback would not work correctly with certain cameras.
- Fixed issue where event search wouldn't use the times selected
- Allow editing of Action Plan name and area
- Improved validation on Edit Action Plan screen
- Fixed bug where some users would be unable to create private views.
- Yes/No Action Plan buttons width fixed
- Added PrefType for Traka API request cooldown
- Fix for dispatching guards using mobile dispatch manager.
- Fixed issue with dispatching guard using mobile dispatch manager.
- Added alarm tags to alarm setup
- Update to enable MapLayers to display correctly in Site Monitoring for negative elevations
- Additional checks during SSO instantiation
- Gracefully handle API connection issues when arriving at the login screen.
- Update to provide multi-field filtering for user searches
- Fixed issue related to the saving of event type changes
- Added additional feature flag for allowing unmuting of audio in the audit media player
- Fix to prevent dispatching guards to events from other regions
- Fixed an issue with not being able to edit Only Match Exact Alarm value in Event configuration
- UI changes for user experience on Permissions table and modal
- Resolving issue when selecting event types in Manual Raise.
- Data service changes supporting the Event Claim feature.
- Added a new feature where users can claim an event for them to process.
- Added new Report Filter for device additions report
- Added new report templates for site setup and processing statistics reports
- External Menu Links - New Table, Feature and Permissions
- Corrected an error on custom menu link deletion.
- Fixed Permission checks when deleting External Menu Link
- Appsettings reverted so service works as packaged
- Update to correct error when editing or deleting a external menu link
- Fixes for some UI issues within external link setup
- Added scroll functionality to the nav menu. Updated External Menu Link setup modal to use radio buttons.
- Changed Nav menu scroll bars to always show. Added scroll bars to the External menu links section of the Nav menu.
- Fix for styling issue where long links did not match the current styling
- Added the ability to rename a waypoint on the Guard Tour Setup screen.
- Fixes for layout of the Guard Tour Setup interface.
- New endpoints for External Nav Menu Links
- Added new feature for External Nav Menu Links
- Added support to provide all server type events to event configuration
- Added functionality which hides ServerTypeEvents which has their ServerType Hidden
- Added functionality to fetch all server type events within event configuration
- Updated event configuration to contain spacing between the action buttons and scrollbar.
- Reverting the default DB connection string.
- Added option for alarm queue filters to be combined
- Added Assessment Tour to the Guard Tour Setup
- Added Assessment Tours setup to the Guard Tour Setup interface
- Added pref for max duration recordings in Quick Control.
- Added functionality to fetch pref for quick control camera duration on login.
- Added functionality to keep the quick control in the same event if triggered multiple times.
- Added alert which will warn the user if the max camera duration is met within quick control
- Added table MobileRaiseTemplateIconSet and added Column MobileRaiseType to IconSet
- Added new mobile raise type (Assessment Tours)
- Added new Mobile Raise Type (Assessment Tour)
- Database changes required for lockdown door groups feature
- Data service changes for lockdown door groups feature
- UI Updates for CCure Lockdown Door Groups
- Added the ability to search Insight reports and show / hide Insight report categories as needed
- Fixed issue where scrollbar covered collapse/expand buttons
- Added Custom Report Modal to allow user to create custom reports
- Updated Insight Reporting to support additional information (Subtitle & Target)
- Added Custom Insight reporting table, feature and permissions
- Added default graph type to Insights for Custom Reports
- Fixing failing unit tests
- Added support for force restoring and logging events that have been disconnected from CCure
- Added support for force restoring and logging events that have been disconnected from CCure
- CCure lockdown permissions updated to reflect CCure Lockdown door groups feature
- Endpoint updated to post for lockdown reader group doors
- Unit tests added/updated for Lockdown Door Groups Feature
- Added new feature flags and preferences for quick control warnings and reader group display
- Added a new feature to display reader groups names in quick control
- CCure Lockdown Door Groups Lockdown button moved to Navbar dropdown
- Quick control feedback for cancel button and modal exit button.
- Update to correct an issue where SSO login was no longer working
- Internal code improvements for quick control
- Added a new feature to be able to dispatch an Assessment Type guard
- Added a new option to the Guard Type selector
- Added a permission allowing a user to raise an assessment tour and a new Assessment Tour event type.
- Enabled Assessors to be dispatched from Manual Raise
- Changed manual raise to load assessment tours when configured
- Added First Two External Map Layer Type. Added PrefTypes and Feature Flags to support the new External Map Layer Type
- Feature flag for Map Conversion Feature
- Map action types for new V2 Map Conversion Feature
- Map Action Conversion functionality for Map Conversion feature
- Data service changes for new Map Conversion feature in V2
- User Interface changes for new V2 Map Conversion feature
- Added additional permission check for saving camera reference shots
- Ensured error for permissions check displays when saving camera reference shots
- Added new Endpoint to query FirstTwo data for ExternalMapLayers
- Added support for creating FirstTwo external map layers in External Map Setup.
- Added support for FirstTwo layers in enhanced Maps.
- Updated url tasks to allow for custom link text.
- Improved performance of the group tree.
- Updated nuget packages to latest
- Various performance improvements relating to areas, devices, users, and more.
- Fixing issue when trying to modify permissions.
- Resolving issue when searching for groups using the new site tree.
- Fixing issue when using the older site tree in the UI.
- Added Feature flag, Permission and EventRecordType to support Intercom feature
- Added new EndPoint to allow user interaction with the Intercom
- New Intercom functionality to allow user interaction with camera and audio devices
- Added column to insight reports to identify user who created the custom report
- Added option for sticky header in Event Configuration
- Fixed event configuration sticky header scrollbar disappearing with long lists
- Improvements to the user experience when selecting Areas within the UI.
- Feature flag to control the displaying of the Intercom icon
- Added NuGet package for SQL script parsing and validation
- Added new pref for post force restore actions
- The preference for performing additional actions on alarms that are force restored is now returned on login
- Added log entries when a CCure alarm is force restored
- Added Bulk Import feature flag.
- Added support for Alarm Actions Bulk Import Feature
- Phase 1 Part 1 improvements for bulk import
- User Interface changes for Alarm Automations Bulk Import Feature
- Added Categories for Action Plans.
- Updated event configuration to allow setting default action plans for system events.
- Added Action Plan Category Types.
- Added functionality to support new Assessment Type features
- Added unit tests for force restoring alarms
- Fixed Permissions issues with FirstTwo map layer types. Updated to add FirstTwo custom click handler
- Improved the performance of guard tours on mobile.
- Performance improvements for Guard Tour on mobile
- Internal code improvements for Event Configuration
- Fix for updating Task Category Type on Action Plan Categories.
- Added a category field to Action Plans
- Added a new selector to the Action Categories setup
- Change for Site Monitor Actions loaded from the library if they're categorised as Alarm
- Updated the Report module to support Custom SQL reports
- Added a way to categorise Action Plans.
- Added Category selection for Action Plans.
- Added a category filter for linking Tour Steps to Action Plans
- Fixed memory leak on views
BETA Features:
- BulkImport (BulkImport)
Shows bulk import for all bulk imports.
- Integration/CCure/UI/Lockdown/Reason (Integration/CCure/UI/Lockdown/Reason)
Allow a user to add a reason when updating reader group clearance filter level
- MapSetup/MapConversion (MapSetup/MapConversion)
Allows conversion of legacy maps into map layers in map setup
Core - 02 March 2021
- CC-DATAMODULE-MobileDataModule-1.4.18377.0.svpkg
- CC-DATABASE-SureView-DB-1.4.19381.0.svpkg
- CC-WEBAPPLICATION-SureView-DS-1.4.19334.0.svpkg
- CC-WEB-SureView-UI-1.4.19336.0.svpkg
Issue Updates:
- Update Contacts Modal - Correctly Check Permissions
- Contacts: Fix issue with saving contact roles
- Fix - Alarm points taking too long to load
- Fixed the Date/Time format of the rearmDate in Alarm Point history.
- Added feature to prefix the event title with the type
- Removed a no longer used feature flag ServerEventTypeInEventName.
- Changed feature name for showing the event type in the event title
- Fixed an issue on the Event Queue where the Server Event Title was displayed in the Event column when the Type column was enabled.
- Fixed an issue with feature search not searching by name
- Fixed issue with start and end date not showing up in insight filters
- Fixed a logic issue that allowed a user to log in even when their password had been set to expire
- Fix for issue where system level prefs could not be saved in the system settings page.
- Fixed issue where dispatch guard action(Task) wasn't getting completed when dispatching a guard in site-monitor.
- Fix - Quick Control Momentary Unlock button remaining disabled
- Fixed dynamic camera linking not respecting the linked camera prefs.
- Fixed issue in the Media Matrix where clips could become unresponsive.
- Fixed issue where clips wouldn't always load properly in the Media Matrix.
- Further improvements to the Media Matrix.
- Further fixes for issues with the Media Matrix.
- Improving timing when loading clips in the Media Matrix.
- Improving timing when loading clips in the Media Matrix.
- Fix for a UI issue where the tour device table could not be scrolled to the bottom with a large list of devices.
- Fixed issue on event search that would cause requests to run in the background
- Fixed issue where the Media Matrix would take a long time to load.
- Fixes issue with loading Mobile Raise Templates
- Added new acknowledgement column to ccure mapping table
- UI updated to point to V2Cameras version 1.0.40 which contains fix for ticket 1482(Media Matrix Playback UI Scaling)
- Fixed Event Outcome deletion error
- Fixed issue where operator couldn't re-sync a site manually
- Fixed Bug where Insights reports filter would not show all outcomes..
- Fixed issue with playback when using Genetec
- Fixed issue with playback when using Genetec
- Return extra device playback properties
- Media Matrix - Only show playback controls if supported by device
- Media Matrix - Only show playback controls if supported by device
- Changes required for Guard Tour Reporting
- Waypoint Integration - Guard tour setup changes required for the feature
- Added functionality to support linking an Action Plan to a Guard Tour Step
- Waypoint Integration - Endpoints required for this feature
- Waypoint Integration - Updated error handling for feature
- Changed setting guard's location to require just the location data.
- Added 'Show Server Name' toggle to System Settings
- Adding server name to diagnostic info
- Improvement to loading of data on Users screen
- User Setup screen now uses lazy loading and infinite scroll, rather than attempting to load all on users immediately on page load
- Remove duplicate Disable checkbox from Edit User screen
- Added a pref to allow for configuration on when alarms should ignore all disarmed checks
- Updated the DB to support the new Insight User Activity reporting
- Set PrefType 'Days To Keep User Session History' Category and Storage values
- Set PrefType 'Days To Keep User Session History' SystemOnly and OrderNum values
- Added a new PrefType to support the new Insight User Activity reporting
- 'ServerName' added to diagnostic info
- Fix for occasional error when adding ServerName diagnostic header
- Added 'Show Server Name' checkbox to System settings
- Logic updated in preparation for multiple page views
- Added support for mobile guard covering
- Added the ability for mobile guards to cover for each other
- Fixed an issue with cancelling mobile guard cover sometimes not working correctly
- Added loading icons to setups that did not contain them
- Added support for covering guard from the Quick Dispatch/Dispatch interface
- Added support for covering of guards to allow guards to take breaks
- Fix - Infinite loader on category setup when raise to case management enabled
- Added support for custom endpoints
- Added feature flag for Assessment Tours and Guard Tour setup changes.
- Fixed an issue with the date controls in the camera
- Fixed an issue where the camera icon was not the correct colour.
- Updated google api pref to be visible
- Added support to pass a custom google map API key when logging in.
- Removing hardcoded google map API keys
- Added functionality which will set a custom google maps API key.
- Removing hardcoded google map API keys
- Updated ReportResult property to support Insight Reporting
- Added support for custom Insight License Growth reporting
- Added new system prefs to support Single Sign on feature
- Added new feature flags for Quick Control: OpenInNewWindow & DisableCloseAfterActionComplete
- Quick control functionality to keep the modal open and open in a new window.
- Fixed quick control to clear cameras while the modal/window stays open
- Added a new table used for custom Insight License Growth reporting
- UI changes to support Single Sign On Login
- Fixed an issue with the login endpoint introduced with the SSO feature
- Additional fix for SSO login issue
- Added UL settings to site details screen
- Added ApiAuth table to store SDS authentication details
- Add FriendlyName column to Regions table
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