This feature allows a sites arm status to be changed for a set period of time as an alarm automation
Feature Flags
No feature flags are required to use the alarm setup for Change Site Arm Status. However, if a user requires to toggle the status of an alarm for a site after a period of time then enable the CanDisarmAreaForPeriodByResponseAction feature.
Feature path - AlarmSetup -> CanDisarmAreaForPeriodByResponseAction
System Settings
In order for the backend service to revert any alarm status, the Alarms settings for the area you wish to target must to be enabled.
Go to system settings, select Alarms, and then Alarms again. Next select the area you wish to allow the date time revert process to be applied to. Tick the checkbox for 'DateTime revert change site arm status' option. This will need to be done for each Area (site) you want to utilize this feature on.
To use the feature and to allow it to appear in the UI, navigate to the Alarm Setup page. Click on edit an existing alarm (this must be turned in AlarmSetup - actions) in the top right corner. If an existing alarm is not available, please create one. If this is not shown, please make sure the feature flag is enabled (please refer to the Feature Flags section).
You will be presented with a screen showing the any existing automations and an Add Automation button. Select Add Automation and choose Change Site Arm Status from the drop down.
You will then be able to select the area for this alarm and whether you wish it to be armed or disarmed via the check box.
If you have turned on the CanDisarmAreaForPeriodByResponseAction flag then you will have the additional option of supplying hours and minutes for when the alarm status for the site is to revert.
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