- Manufacturer: Software House
((800) 507-6268) - Product: C-Cure 9000
- Supported Versions: 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
- Type: Access Control System
Supported Features
- Relays
- Pulse
- Alarms
- GetConfig
- Site Syncing
- Ecare
Components and Communication
Component | Location | Outgoing communication | Incoming communication |
CCure 9000 Alarm Router Service |
C-Cure Server Must be installed in the CCure ServerComponents folder |
443 TCP to Receiver Service | 443 TCP from Integration |
CCure 9000 Alarm Receiver Service | Sureview Device Server | N/A | 443 TCP from Router Service |
CCure Device Integration | Sureview Device Server | 443 TCP to Router Service | N/A |
External Configuration
1) CCure 9000 Licence
Confirm that the CCure 9000 licence is valid by loading the CCure 9000 "License Manager" application. A valid licence should have an expiry date set in the future, and the section next to "CrossFire" should read Current version licensed.
2) CCure 9000 Setup
CCure 9000 typical setups are based on hierarchical structures consisting of Clusters (where there can be multiple, underneath the Company Name) and Collections (where there can be multiple, underneath Clusters).
Collections are digital representations of alarm panels, and typically contain the doors, outputs, readers and alarms that can be used with Sureview. Using the CCure 9000 "Administration Workstation" a user is able to add devices that will be used for monitoring.
Typically the interface would look like this:
3) CCure 9000 Alarm Type
The Sureview CCure suite can ingest both hardware and software events.
Hardware Events
Hardware events in example are the physical devices changing state, for instance a Door Reader going active when a card read happens.
Hardware events are raised by the CCure system by default, all of these are also ingested by default and raised in the SureView system. If you wish to monitor hardware events, the system is setup to operate like this out of the box.
This allows configuration purely on the SureView side, where you can configure what hardware events you wish to display to the operator, ignore or autohandle.
Software Events
Software events (XF Events) in example are events that are created in the CCure system and get activated/triggered by either a scheduled task, another XFEvent or a hardware event.
Software events are a great way to reduce noise in the CCure system and only raise alerts to your operators when specific hardware states happen.
To create a software event in CCure, edit your hardware point (in this case a iSTAR Door), navigate to the triggers tab and select a trigger (in the example below we have a trigger for Forced and Held Open), from this trigger you can either select an existing XFEvent to activate when the trigger occurs, or create a new one by hitting the drop down button and selecting new.
Sureview Configuration
1. Setting up SureView Router service on the CCure 9000 Server
The SureView Setup exe requires being run as an administrator.
- Using the SureView Setup exe, firstly select the folder location that your CCure is installed at. The default folder CCure is installed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyco\CrossFire\ServerComponents.
- Search for the CCure in the setup exe and select the CCure-9000AlarmRouter.
- Run through the remainder of the setup.exe steps as normal.
- Navigate to the ServerComponents folder and open the file SVCCure9000AlarmRouter.exe.config and edit with notepad:
- In the config file update:
- The ReceiverAddress to be the connection details of your receiver service, for example https://SVSDEVICESERVER/CCure9000Receiver
- If we have set a receiver username and password combination on the receiver side, the exact some details need to be added to the ReceiverUserName and ReceiverPassword fields
- The CommandsEndpoint to be the connection details for this router service, for example https://CCURESERVER/CCure9000Router
- If we have set a commands username and password combination on the receiver side, the exact some details need to be added to the ReceiverUserName and ReceiverPassword fields
- If the CCURESERVER that the router is running on is behind an NLB, populate the AlternativeHostNames filed with the computer name and any shorthand names known for the server in a comma separated list, for example MYFIRSTCCURESERVER,CCURE.SERVER
- The ReceiverAddress to be the connection details of your receiver service, for example https://SVSDEVICESERVER/CCure9000Receiver
- There are multiple configurations that can be set for the router. These are primarily for filtering messages that are raised by the router:
Config Key | Details |
ReconnectDelay | Delay between connection attempts (ms) between router & receiver |
DisconnectedEventQueueMaxAge | The maximum age in seconds that events queued due to being received while disconnected from the receiver can be, with anything older than this not being raised when connection is re-established (blank means do not perform queuing at all, less than or equal to 0 means unlimited) |
AckHost | The public name of the server hosting the router. Used for the Alarm Acknowledgement service to authenticate against for sending ack messages |
MessageTypesToRequest | Defines a list of all of the object types to receive change states on, only messages for objects in this list will receive alarms. If left blank, all types are listened for. Need to be full CCure names such as: SoftwareHouse.CrossFire.Common.Objects.XFEvent, SoftwareHouse.NextGen.Common.SecurityObjects.iStarDoor |
MessagesIgnoreTypes | Defines a list of message types that we do not want to send to the receiver (they will be dropped at the router level). These types are comma seperated and are the friendly name, such as: CardAdmitted,LogMessage,ManualAction |
MessagesIgnoreStateCodes | Defines a list of message state codes that we do not want to send ot the receiver (they will be dropped at the router level). These states are comma seperated and are the friendly name, such as: Arm,Disarm,Armed,Disarmed,Acknowledged |
MessagesIgnoreMessage | Defines a list of messages that we do not want to send ot the receiver (they will be dropped at the router level). These states are comma seperated and are the friendly name, such as: TimeSpec |
MessagesIgnoreMaintenanceMode | Defines if we want to drop maintenance alarms at the router level |
CausersEnabled | Defines if we want to drop all causer updates at the router level |
CausersIgnoreActive | Defines if we want to drop causer active updates at the router level |
2. Installing the C-Cure Device on to the Sureview Server
NOTE: Install the "CCure-9000" device integration before installing the "CCure-9000AlarmReceiver Service"- Run the Sureview Package Installer.
- Select the device CCure-9000 integration.
- Install as normal.
3. Installing the CCure Alarm Receiver Service on to the Sureview Server
*NOTE: Install the "CCure-9000" device package before installing the "CCure-9000AlarmReceiver" Service package.
- Run the Sureview Package Installer.
- Make sure the "CCure-9000" device integration is already installed.
- Select the "CCure-9000AlarmReceiver" package and continue to click Next until the service is installed.
- Navigate to the CCure-9000AlarmReceiver folder and open the file SVCCure9000AlarmReceiver.exe.config and edit with notepad:
- In the config file:
- Ensure that the DataSourceInit value has been populated with your SVS database connection string (this is populated from the setup.exe)
- The ReceiverEndpoint to be the connection details of this server, for example https://SVSDEVICESERVER/CCure9000Receiver
- If we are using the receiver username and password combination, ensure the matching username password is added in the Router configuration file.
- There are multiple configurations that can be set for the Receiver to better define how we want to receive/process data
Config Key | Details |
EventUserDotNameForType | Whether to use the part after a "." of the XFEvent name as the event type instead of just getting "Active"/"Inactive" i.e. "SomeEventName.DFO" = "DFO" |
EventMatchToSecondaryObject | Whether to match the SVS Response for the secondary object (i.e. the door) rather than the source object (the event) for XFEvents |
SetRestoreOnInactive | Defines if getting a causer inactive message for an XFEvent should trigger a Restore alarm for that event (required for configuration with restore alarms) |
AcknowledgeAlarms | Defines if alarms are going to be acknowledged via the Sureview Acknowledgement Service |
InactiveTypes | Defines if alarms should be raised into the system when any alarm goes inactive (required for configuration with restore alarms) |
4. Setting up CCure Root Devices in Sureview
For every CCure Server that will work with Sureview you will need to configure a "Root" device within Sureview. This "Root" device is used to catch all alarms that can't be decoded for a particular C-Cure server.
- Add a new device in Sureview with a meaningful name such as "CCure Swansea Root Server"
- Set up the device with the CCure Server's Host value and Port Number (default 443). Leave the Username, Password and Controller Name/Cluster Name blank.
- It is recommended that every site that contains a CCure 9000 device should also contain a CCure 9000 Root device.
5. Setting up CCure Servers in Sureview
There are two methods of configuring CCure servers in Sureview. Individually using "Get Configuration" or automatically using "Syncing".
SynchronizationFor Site Syncing please refer to the Site Syncing Support Page
To set up Sureview for synchronising with CCure-9000 is it important to understand how they are linked. Take the following setup in CCure-9000:
Firstly set up a 'Sync System' with the connection details of the SVCCure9000AlarmRouter server.
Click 'Sync >> Sync Systems >> Add Sync System
add the sync entry
Sync >> Sync Entries >> Add Sync Entry
After the synchronization has completed, you'll get all the CCure 9000 Controllers (Office iStar) that exist underneath the Cluster, as well as the Cluster itself (Test Cluster).
Or one can sync on an individual controller by setting the 'Identifier' as shown below:
Once a sync has successfully been completed the Identifier will be updated to be the unique identifier for the Cluster or Controller; this allows the sync to remain valid even if the name is changed in the CCure system
Get Configuration
For individual CCure-9000 devices, use Get Configuration in the following way:
- Navigate to Site Setup of the Site you want to add a C-Cure device to.
- Click "Add a new device" and select "CCure-9000" from the drop down list.
- Enter the Host value and Port Number for the CCure Server (leaving the Username and Password blank).
- Enter one of the following:
- ControllerName = <Controller Name>
- ClusterName = <Cluster Name>
- Press the "Get Config" button
- The doors, outputs and alarms for the relevant CCure Controller or CCure Cluster will be populated in the configuration section. Select the items you wish to add, and click the DONE button when you are finished.
- On GetConfig, the ExtraValue identifier will get replaced with the unique ID in CCure for the found Controller/Cluster
"Get Configuration" supports getting the information for configured Doors, Outputs and Alarms on the CCure 9000 Server only.
Host | IP address or host name of the CCure 9000 server (where the C-Cure 9000 system runs) |
Port | The port used to connect to the SureView Router service that runs on the CCure 9000 server. The default value is 443, but this can be configured in the service's config file. |
User | Leave blank |
Password | Leave blank |
Controller Name / Cluster Name |
Can be one of the following: |
Alarm Configuration
The C-Cure 9000 system does not come packaged with any predetermined alarms, and will instead attempt to decode and add any alarms that get sent to it dynamically, allowing greater use of the Global Alarm Configuration.
Alarm Information
Input1 | The Object ID of the source of the alarm (door, alarm input etc) |
Input2 | The Object ID of the cause of the alarm if available (person opening door etc) |
Event Type |
The event that was triggered. (The Event Type List is automatically downloaded from the C-Cure Server) |
Date Time On Server | The time that the event was triggered (according to the C-Cure 9000 server software) |
Extra Text | The text of the alarm will be populated with the name of the source object and the name of the cause object when available. |
Input2 Value | Object Type | Level |
0 | Door | Controller |
1 | Output | Controller |
2 | Input | Controller |
3 | Cluster | Cluster |
4 | Controller | Controller |
5 | Board | Controller |
6 | Reader | Controller |
7 | Area | Controller |
8 | Event | Root (unless downladed to a Controller) |
9 | Video Camera | Root |
10 | Video Server | Root |
11 | Import | Root |
12 | Personnel | Root |
13 | License | Root |
14 | Report | Root |
15 | Manual Action | Root |
16 | Export | Root |
17 | Operator | Root |
18 | Report Result | Root |
19 | Time Spec | Root (unless downloaded to a controller) |
20 | System Activity | Root |
21 | Button | N/A |
22 | Clearance | Root |
23 | Comm Port | N/A |
24 | Elevator | Controller |
Sync gives duplicate alarms
This is due to an alarm being added for each event that exists in CCure along with an event for every hardware point. To ensure duplicates aren't added. Amend your sync identifier to end with ';singleresponsepercauser=true'
Get Configuration (or syncing) Fails
- Confirm that port 443 (default) is open outgoing from all Sureview Servers that are running the SureView Proxy/Device Service to all C-Cure Servers (incoming)
- Confirm that the C-Cure Device package "CCure 9000" is installed on all Sureview Servers running Device Proxy/Device Service.
- Confirm that you are using the correct "Controller Name / Cluster Name" value in the device setup.
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