This feature allows Mobile Users to raise an alarm from the app. This event will go into the Event Queue like any other Manual Raise that was entered using the SureView UI.
Feature Flags
In SureView, under Feature Setup menu, enable Mobile and then MobileRaise and save your changes. MobileRaise feature would be enabled after that. Any logged in users will need to logout and log back in again for the change to take effect.
For being able to access MobileRaise setup page user should have CanViewMobileRaise or CanEditMobileRaise permissions on Mobile category or both of them.
Having CanViewMobileRaise permission only will allow user to view MobileRaise templates, but not Add, Edit or delete them.
CanEditMobileRaise, or both, CanViewMobileRaise and CanEditMobileRaise will allow user to View, Add, Edit and Delete MobileRaise templates
Mobile Raise Setup
Having MobileRaise feature turned on and required permission(s) navigation to MobileRaise Setup would be present in menu
After selecting MobileRaise Setup overview page will be shown, displaying list of all the existing at the moment templates, full text search and either view only or add/edit actions.
Upon pressing Add Template or view/edit action button modal for view or add/edit/delete template would be shown.
Controls breakdown:
- Title (required, unique): template title.
- User Groups (optional): allow to select user group(s) template would be visible to. Template would be available to all user groups if left empty.
- Mobile Raises: Link button, bringing up modal for linking raises to template and displaying number of raises, already linked to template
- Grid Set: select number of quick slots, displayed in Quick Select interface in mobile app
- Slot drop-downs (required): selects raise from raises, linked to template, to be assigned to particular slot
Linking raises to template
After pressing Mobile Raises link button, modal with list of all available raises for either adding or removing them from template would be shown
Controls breakdown:
- Full text search: allow to filter list of raises
- Raise Title column (read-only): raise title
- Type column (read-only): raise type - Manual Raise or Activity Log Category
- Icon column: display overridden icon title or 'use default' when default icon used.
- Add To template column: checkbox for linking/unlinking raise to template
Changing Icons
Pressing link button in Icon column for linked raise will bring up Icon Override modal
It will allow either to override icon for particular template <-> raise link or use default icon for raise.
Controls breakdown:
- Full text search: allow to filter icons list by title or fontawesome icon css style
- Icons: pressing icon will select it as override icon for template <-> raise link
- Reset to default: default icon for raise would be used for template <-> raise link
Selecting Quick Raise options
After having some raises associated with template, some of them could be assigned to Quick Raise slots
Using Mobile raises
Feature flags and permissions
For being able to use MobileRaises in mobile app Mobile->MobileRaise feature should be turned on and user should have CanUseMobile permission
Mobile Interface for mobile raise
If feature is turned on and user have required CanUseMobile permission, button with bell, which brings up MobileRaise interface would be displayed
Switching templates
By pressing left/right chevrons user can cycle between templates, associated with his/her user group(s) plus ones, available for all groups
Switching modes
By default template would be shown in 'Quick Mode', displaying only items assigned to quick slots. After pressing 'Load All' or entering search term, interface will switch into 'Search Mode', displaying all raises associated with template. Pressing 'Back' will switch back to 'Quick Mode'
Raising a Manual Raise (alarm)
To raise Manual Raise (alarm) open up MobileRaise interface, switch to template with alarm to be raised and select corresponding alarm. After that confirmation screen will be shown. Pressing 'Confirm' will raise alarm and opens next screen where details for raised alarm could be added, pressing 'Cancel' will close confirmation screen without performing any action.
Pushing data after the alarm has been raised
After raising alarm, additional details could be added. Pressing 'Add' button will allow to add photos to alarm, pressing 'Complete' will add entered notes (if any) and close MobileRaise interface.
Controls breakdown:
- Notes (optional): alarm notes
Dispatching self if your a guard
If Mobile->Dispatch feature is enabled and user has both CanMobileDispatch and CanClaimFromMobileRaise permissions, 'Dispatch Self' button would be present on Manual Raise details screen.
(Note: at current implementation it would be present only if you raise alarm from Dispatch interface after selecting callsign)
Pressing 'Dispatch Self' will do all that 'Complete' button does and:
- dispatch guard to raised alarm
- switch to Dispatch interface
Raising an Activity Log
To raise Activity Log open up MobileRaise interface, switch to template with Activity Log to be raised and select corresponding one. After that screen for filling Activity Log details would be shown. Pressing 'Submit' will push corresponding Activity Log to the system and close MobileRaise interface, pressing 'Cancel' will close Activity Log screen and get back to selected MobileRaise template.
Controls breakdown:
- Start (required): start time for log. Set to current time as default value
- End (optional): end time for log. Empty by default
- Area (required): searchable drop-down with all areas user has access to
- Notes (required): activity log notes
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