The audit section shows a record of everything that has taken place in this event.
At the top, you can switch between different filters to see specific types of records.
For alarms, a record will show in red if it requires you to acknowledge it. You must acknowledge every alarm in an event before you are able to close it out. To acknowledge, click on the alarm or click the Ack All button to acknowledge all alarms in the event. In order to use the Ack All button you must have the "AcknowledgeAll" feature enabled.
Any action performed directly by an operator is marked with their initials under the Operator column. See the event sharing section for more information on processing events with multiple people.
On the right-hand side, you may this icon on a record - this means the record corresponds to a location on a map. This can be shown for alarms or anything else that is triggered by a map location. Clicking this will jump the map to this location.
At the bottom of the audit section, you can add notes for the event. These are shown in the audit records section, and will appear in the Notes filter. When a new note is added, anyone else in the event will see a number in the notes filter header. This allows chat between operators.
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