Feature Prerequisite
To be able to assign actions to other users you the "Alarms/ActionPlans" Feature needs to be enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
Actions provide a To-Do list of responses to an alarm. Some may be required to be completed in order to close out the event, but others may be optional.
When you start processing an alarm, some actions may have been added from the action plan assigned to the alarm itself. Actions shown with a red highlight need to be completed.
Actions are grouped into categories - the category can be anything, and works to group related actions together. Each category header shows how many actions are complete and how many it has in total. Categories with a blue header have remaining actions to complete.
Actions can have different types that change how you complete them.
- A "basic" action is a simple check. Click the box when you've done the action, and it's marked as complete.
- An "Input" type requires you to enter some text. The text gets saved and can be used for reference later.
- A "Yes/No" type gives two options: Yes and No. Click the appropriate button to complete the action.
- A "Dispatch" type of action means this action can't be manually completed. Instead, you will need to perform a dispatch to complete it.
- A "URL" type will show a web address. Clicking to open this address will complete the action.
Actions that have been completed look like this:
You can click the curly arrow to undo the completion of this action.
Adding Actions
As well as actions being set at the start of the event by the alarm, you can also manually add new actions. You can click the button in the category header to add an action to an existing category. Or, if you want to add a new category, click the
button at the bottom where it says "Add action to new category". You can then set the type, what text is shown, and if the action is required.
Assigning Actions
Feature Prerequisite
To be able to assign actions to other users you the "Alarms/ActionPlans/AssignActions" Feature needs to be enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
If you have multiple people handling the same alarm, you can assign actions to different people. You can assign both individual actions, or a whole category. Click the icon to open a list of everyone shared on the event - select one of these people to assign the action to them. Once a task has been assigned, only that person can complete it; you can assign a task to yourself to prevent anyone else from doing it before you finish. To unassigned a task, just click the icon again.
Calling a contact
Feature Prerequisite
To be able to request an operator calls a contact you need to have the Actions>CallContacts Feature enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
When creating an action you will have the option to select Call Contact, selecting this will give you a 2nd drop with which to select the contact you require the operator to call. This list if pulled from the contacts feature and requires you to have the contacts feature enabled.
Feature Prerequisites
To be able to request an operator chooses and option you need to have the Actions>Choices Feature enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
Choices enables you to set a more defined question that Yes/No. It can be configured to work as a dropdown list or as a set of buttons. For example, you can ask an operator is a checked door is open or closed.
Dynamic Data List
Feature Prerequisites
To be able to request an operator selects from a list you need to have the Actions>DynamicDataList Feature enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
Dynamic data list is similar to Choices in that you can create your own question/tagging system or action, but allows operators to choose from a much larger list. In order to setup your lists you will need assistance from a Sureview Engineer.
Once you have your lists setup with your Sureview Engineer you will be able to select a list type when adding a Dynamic data list as part of an action.
When this is listed as an action in the alarm handling screen the operator will be given a drop down list to choose from.
Mass Notification
Feature Prerequisites
To be able to allow an operator send a mass notification you need to have the Actions>MassNotification Feature enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license. You Sureview system also needs to have an integration that supports Mass Notification installed.
To configure a Mass Notification system please refer to the specific support page for that integration.
Once you have configured the mass notification you will be able to add an action and select your notification integration and the notification template you created.
When in the alarm screen you will have two option. To send the notification as is or advanced options which allows you to add a message before sending the notification.
Feature Prerequisite
To allow an operator to send a Situation Report you need to have the Actions>SitRep Feature enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
This is added to an action list by selecting the "Download SitRep" option for the drop down.
The Download Situation Report will then show within the alarm screen when the action plan is loaded.
Clicking this will allow the operator to type is notes as well as select what is included in the report.
Once the report is generated it will be downloaded automatically to the users machine.
View Audit
Feature Prerequisites
To ask an operator to acknowledge they have reviewed the audit footage you need to have the Actions>ViewAudit Feature enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
Once the feature is enabled you will have the option "show Audit" in the drop down when adding an action to an action plan.
When an operator is in the alarm screen they will have a button to click for when they have reviewed the audit footage.
Feature Prerequisites
To allow an action to control a relay you need to have the Actions>Control Feature enabled. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
To configure an action to control a relay, navigate to the Action Setup via the menu in the top right. Add a new action and from the drop down select "Control". You will then need to type in the name of the relay you want to control and select what action you want to perform. (On, Off, Pulse).
When within an alarm or patrol where the control action has been aded, you will be given a description of what relay will be activated and a button to trigger the control action.
Clicking the button will trigger the action.
Note* Using the On action will active the relay, Such as unlock a door, the door/relay will remain in this state until an Off command is sent. Leaving the event will NOT reset the relay. In cases where you only want a temporay change of the relay state its best to use Pulse.
Remove Actions on Test
Feature Prerequisites
To remove actions when placing a area on test you must have the feature RemoveActionsOnTest enabled within the feature list, under Alarms>AlarmPoints>RemoveActionsOnTest. This is controlled by your SureView System Administrator as may be dependent on your individual license.
When processing an event, placing the area in test will remove any actions and action plans for the right side of the screen. The event can be processed as normal whilst on test and when closed or parked will reside in the OnTest queue until the period specified has expired.
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