SureView Features
Feature Setup is a new addition to V2. Sureview is being used in a wide variety of environments. As such, we need to ensure it remains relevant to each of our customers' use cases.
Note: The feature setup screen is only accessible by Sureview System Administrators
Below is a description of the features that can be enabled/disabled by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the interface. Then selecting
Feature Options
As of February 1st 2023
Feature | Description | SupportLink |
AccountDetails | Users can edit their own profile | |
AccountDetails/EditPersonalInformation | Users can edit their Personal Information | |
Actions | ||
Actions/CallContacts | Action to call members of an areas contacts list | |
Actions/CallContacts/UseCallListSchedule | Enables using the new Call List Event endpoint. | |
Actions/CCure | Action to send CCure messages | |
Actions/Choices | Action to select from list of options | |
Actions/CollapseCompletedActions | Allows collapsing of completed actions within an event | |
Actions/Control | Action to trigger relay from list of options | |
Actions/DoNotRequireContactLinkForNotification | Action to not require contact links when sending notifications | |
Actions/DynamicDataList | Action to select from large list of stored options | |
Actions/EventOutcome | Adds an action type of Event Outcome allowing the operator to choose the outcome of the event before closing the event | |
Actions/EventOutcome/EventOutcomePresets | Allows the pre-setting of an outcome for a specific event outcome action on a per action basis. | |
Actions/EventOutcome/EventOutcomeToCloseEvent | When the Event Outcome is set in actions panel. The event automatically closes | |
Actions/EventRecordMetaData | Allows the event record meta data action step. | |
Actions/ExternalSystem | Allows the use of external systems | |
Actions/ExternalSystem/Dispatch | Allows dispatch to external systems | |
Actions/HideSendNotificationTemplateButton | Hides the send mass notification action within site monitor. | |
Actions/Input | Options to customise the input action | |
Actions/Input/DateTime | Adds option to limit the input action to be a date/time | |
Actions/Input/Number | Adds option to limit the input action to be a number | |
Actions/MassNotification | Action to send messages through a mass notification system | |
Actions/SitRep | Action to download the SitRep | |
Actions/ViewAudit | Action to view recorded footage | |
ActionSetup | Allows access to new Action setup interface | |
ActionSetup/LegacyInterface | Allows access to legacy Action setup interface | |
ActivityLog | Digital logbook that allows users to record command centre activity notes | |
Alarms | | |
Alarms/ActionPlans | | |
Alarms/ActionPlans/AssignActions | Set an action to be completed by a specific person | |
Alarms/ActionPlans/SLATimer | Enables a SLA timer to be added to designated Action plan tasks | |
Alarms/AdvancedAlarmGrouping | Allows configurable grouping of alarms by event types, response or point. | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints | Allows operators to view alarm point status | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/AlarmHistory | Show last 50 events for an alarm point | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/AlarmHistory/EventDetails | Displays the event ID and outcome in the event history in site monitor | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/AuditMode | Set events into Audit Mode; this is for alarm processing without action plans | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/Masking | Operators can prevent alarm points from raising alarms to SureView for a fixed time | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/Masking/RequireMaskNote | Require a note to be written when masking | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/Masking/RequireMaskReason | Require a reason to be selected from the list when masking | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/OnTest | Create an event to hold alarms grouped by area or point for a fixed time for system testing | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/RemoveActionsOnTest | Actions will be cleared from events when an alarm point is put On Test | |
Alarms/AlarmPoints/TestAlarm | Allows operators to trigger test alarms | |
Alarms/AlarmQueueFilters | Set filters to control what events are shown in the alarm queue | |
Alarms/AlarmQueueFilters/EditButton | Presents an edit button when the alarm queue filter is active | |
Alarms/AlarmQueueFilters/EventTypes | Alarm queue filters can filter on event type | |
Alarms/AutoPassAlarmOnLeave | Enables the ability to automatically pass the alarm on leave if there is only one operator left | |
Alarms/CameraAutomation | Enables the ability to add camera automations to alarms. | |
Alarms/Dispatch | | |
Alarms/Dispatch/IncludeGuardsByAlarmQueueFilter | Dispatch guards with matching alarm queue filters | |
Alarms/Dispatch/MultiDispatch | Multiple guards can be dispatched to the same event | |
Alarms/EventQueue | | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Alarms/DispatchedGuards | Shows a summary of all guards dispatched to the event in the alarm queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Calls | Returns call data to the event queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Claiming | Allow a user to claim an event on the event queue screen | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Claiming/ProcessClaimedEvents | Allow a user to process an event that has been claimed by another user | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Claiming/ShowClaimedWarning | Show a warning message that an event has been claimed by another user | |
Alarms/EventQueue/DisableProcessingActiveAlarms | Users cannot see the proccessing tab in the alarm queue and the event sharing button by default and need the CanProcessActiveAlarms permission to be enabled | |
Alarms/EventQueue/EndMultipleEvents | Allows handling of mutiple alarms | |
Alarms/EventQueue/InProcessing | Show list of events currently being processed | |
Alarms/EventQueue/InProcessing/AlarmCountColumn | Show the Alarm Count column | |
Alarms/EventQueue/InProcessing/DispatchedGuards | Shows a summary of all guards dispatched to the event in the InProcessing queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Intercom | ||
Alarms/EventQueue/Intercom/DisplayInAlarmHeader | Shows intercom calls within the Alarms Queue Header | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Intercom/DisplayInQueue | Shows intercom calls within the Event Queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Intercom/DisplayInViews | Shows intercom calls within the Views menu optionw within the Alarm Queue plugin | |
Alarms/EventQueue/ManualRaise | Operators can raise new alarms | |
Alarms/EventQueue/ManualRaise/DisableOnArea | Allows manual raises to be disabled on an area | |
Alarms/EventQueue/ManualRaise/RequireNote | User must enter a note on manual raise | |
Alarms/EventQueue/ManualTour | Open an area on demand to view cameras | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Map | ||
Alarms/EventQueue/OnTest | ||
Alarms/EventQueue/OnTest/AlarmCountColumn | Show the Alarm Count column | |
Alarms/EventQueue/OptionalParkOnLeave | Parking is optional, meaning that operators can put events immediately back into the queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Parked | Show list of parked events | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Parked/AlarmCountColumn | Show the Alarm Count column | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Parked/DispatchedGuards | Shows a summary of all guards dispatched to the event in the Parked queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/ParkedNote | Show note on each parked events | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Patrol | Show list of open tours | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Patrol/DispatchedGuards | Shows a summary of all guards dispatched to the event in the patrol queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/Patrol/ProcessedBy | Shows which user is currently processing the tour | |
Alarms/EventQueue/PriorityColor | Enables Event Queue Priority Colors to be configured and displayed | |
Alarms/EventQueue/RestoreIcon | Shows an icon in the alarm queue and parked queue showing how many alarms are awaiting a restore | |
Alarms/EventQueue/SeeSiteArmedState | Allows the operator to view the armed/disarmed state of sites | |
Alarms/EventQueue/SeeSiteArmedState/OnTest | Allows areas to be placed on test | |
Alarms/EventQueue/ServerEventTitleInQueue | Shows the type of alarm in the Event Queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/ShowToursInEventQueue | Show Schedule Tours In Alarm Queue | |
Alarms/EventQueue/SystemEvents | Shows active system event queue | |
Alarms/EventSearch | ||
Alarms/EventSearch/AlarmTag | Event search can find events by alarm tags | |
Alarms/EventSearch/DownloadEvent | Enables the ability to download Situation Reports and Event Media from the Event Search View | |
Alarms/EventSearch/DownloadSingleClip | Enables the ability to download a single clip from an event in the Event Search | |
Alarms/EventSearch/EventTagSearch | Event search can find events by tag | |
Alarms/EventSearch/EventTypeFilter | Event search can find events by event type | |
Alarms/EventSearch/ForceRestore | Event search can find events that had been Force Restored | |
Alarms/EventSearch/PreserveEvents | Events can be preserved, keeping them regardless of housekeeping settings | |
Alarms/EventSearch/ShowAutohandledFilter | Event search can find events by AutoHandled | |
Alarms/EventSearch/SupplementalNotes | Additional information to be appended to events in event search | |
Alarms/EventSearch/SystemForceRestore | Event search can find events that had been Force Restored by SureView | |
Alarms/HandleInNewTab | Opens handling of alarms in a new tab when using Alarm Queue Views Plugin | |
Alarms/HighPriorityBanner | A banner shown to Operators when a high priority alarm is raised | |
Alarms/HighPriorityBanner/AppearanceDelay | Delay the banner from appearing for a configurable amount of time | |
Alarms/Maps | ||
Alarms/Maps/ToggleEventQueue | Allows the user to show/hide the map in the event queue window. | |
Alarms/Maps/ToggleSiteMonitor | Allows the user to show/hide the map in the site monitor window. | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix | | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/AreaTree | Show list of all areas within the media matrix window | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/Clear | Allows the user to clear all cells from the MediaMatrix | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/DeviceAudit | | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/DownloadLogs | Enables the Download Log button in the Media Matrix sidebar | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/HideMenu | Allows the user to show/hide the media matrix controls | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/Intercom | Enables answering of Intercom Calls through the media matrix | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/LinkedCameras | Show cameras recorded by an alarm, and allow users with permission to set / unset a camera to be recorded | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/ManualRaise | Enables the ability to perform a manual raise from a camera within the media matrix | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/ManualRaise/Recording | Manual raises performed from a camera within the media matrix will include 30 seconds of recorded footage in the alarm | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/Media | Enables the viewing of media from the file store for an event | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/OpenCameraList | Show list of cameras currently on the media matrix | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/Playback | Enables the ability to perform a playback operation from cameras in v2 | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/Playback/SimplePlayback | Enables simple playback controls in the camera control menu instead of the playback controls menu | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/RelayControl | Control doors/outputs/relays within an event | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/SnapShot | Take snapshots during live video | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/UnmuteAudio | Enables unmuting of media player | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/VideoTours | Run through cameras list page-by-page | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/VideoTours/MaskInActiveCamera | Greys out none active cameras within a predefined tour | |
Alarms/MediaMatrix/VideoTours/PredefiendTour | Allows users to access the predefined tour option within the media matrix | |
Alarms/MissedTargetResponseTimeIcon | Display the missed target icon next to an alarm event in the V2 queue If the alarm exceeds its target response time (defined by the 'Alarm Age Warning' pref) | |
Alarms/PickUpOnName | Pick up alarm only when the event name is selected | |
Alarms/QuickControl | Pulse an output without being inside an event | |
Alarms/QuickControl/Cameras | View linked cameras on quick control | |
Alarms/QuickControl/Cameras/MoveToNextOnError | Move to next camera on error | |
Alarms/QuickControl/DisableCloseAfterCompletion | Keeps the quick control icon open after pulsing an output | |
Alarms/QuickControl/LockUnlockRelay | Lock and unlock a relay | |
Alarms/QuickControl/LogDoorAction | Creates a log after a door action in the integration the door came from | |
Alarms/QuickControl/OpenInNewWindow | Open the quick control dialog in a separate window | |
Alarms/QuickControl/ShowReaderGroups | Show reader groups on quick control | |
Alarms/QuickControl/ShowReaderGroupWarning | Show reader group warning on quick control | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor | | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/AcknowledgeAll | Acknowledge multiple alarms at once | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/AlarmQueueStatus | Shows the number of alarms in the queue waiting to be processed | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/AutoLoadExternalVideo | Enables auto loading the processing of external video | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/CameraSearch | Allows the user to search for cameras within the Site Monitor map | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/ChatMessagesNewestOnTop | When enabled, new Guard Chat messages will be added on top of the list | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/EventExport | Enables exporting events in Site Monitor | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/EventFlagging | Events can be flagged for later review | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/EventNotesOrderNewestFirst | Orders the event notes with the newest entry first. | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/EventRecordMetadata | Enables the display of metadata in sitemonitor when an event record has been expanded. | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/EventSharing | Invite other people to join processing an event | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/ExpandableEventDetails | View more information on an alarm in an event | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/ExternalVideo | Enables the processing of external video | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/LinkedCameras | Show cameras recorded by an alarm, and allow users with permission to set / unset a camera to be recorded | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Map | ||
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Map/AllowAlarmMarkers | Allow placing of initial alarm on the map within an event | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Map/AllowNoteMarkers | Allow placeing of notes on the map within an event | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Map/ShowInactiveAlarms | Allows displaying / filtering of inactive alarms on the map | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Map/SpotlightScaling | Allows scaling and moving of the map spotlight | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Messages | Enables Guard Chat | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/NoteAttachments | Files can be uploaded into events | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/OrderTabsByNewest | Shows newest event records on top | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Park | Hide event for a fixed time before returning it to the queue | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/PermanentPark | Allows the operator to permanently park an event | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/PredefinedParkedNotes | Allows a configured Parked Note to be selected | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/Raise | Pass events to a routing group | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/RequireAreaNotesAcknowledgement | Ability to show area notes on viewing an event | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/RestoredIcon | Shows the muted restore icon in site monitor | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/ShowAllClips | Shows clips from all events within the alarm in the Media Matrix | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/SiteDetails | Display details about the current area | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/SitRep | Download a situation report for an event | |
Alarms/SiteMonitor/UpdateNotes | Notes section can be edited during an active event | |
Alarms/WarnLastOperator | Displays a warning to the Last operator when logging out or navigating away from the alarm queue | |
AlarmSetup | Configure alarms | |
AlarmSetup/Actions | Configure alarm actions | |
AlarmSetup/AdvancedSearching | Toggles the ability to filter the search functionality to a specific column on the Alarm Setup page. | |
AlarmSetup/BulkExportAlarmsWithoutLocation | Ability to bulk export alarms without location | |
AlarmSetup/BulkImportAlarmLocations | Ability to bulk import alarms with location | |
AlarmSetup/CanDisarmAreaForPeriodByResponseAction | Allow disarm of an area for a period of time | |
AlarmSetup/MobileActionPlan | Gives the ability to set a mobile action plan via alarm setup | |
AlarmSetup/TestAlarm | Allows alarms to be tested | |
AreaNotes | ||
AreaNotes/Icons | Show icons to display area notes in alarm queue | |
Areas | Configure areas | |
Areas/SelectAreaType | Allows the area type to be set when creating and editing areas | |
Areas/UlAreaSettings | Shows the UL settings within the configure area section | |
BulkImport | Configure bulk imports. | |
BulkImport/Areas | Shows bulk import for areas. | |
BulkImport/Audios | Shows bulk import for audios. | |
BulkImport/Cameras | Shows bulk import for cameras. | |
BulkImport/Contacts | Shows bulk import for contacts. | |
BulkImport/Doors | Shows bulk import for doors. | |
BulkImport/GuardTours | Enables the bulk import option for Guard and Assessment Tours | |
BulkImport/Outputs | Shows bulk import for outputs. | |
BulkImport/Schedules | Shows bulk import for schedules. | |
BulkImport/Servers | Shows bulk import for servers. | |
CaseManagement | Case Management | |
CaseManagement/RaiseToCaseManagement | Allows the operator to raise events to case management from within an event | |
Contacts | Configure area contact list | |
Contacts/ManageContactRoles | Configure the roles for contacts | |
CustomMapViewTypes | Allows the turning on of custom map view types | |
CustomMapViewTypes/EnhancedZoomLightEnabled | Ability to use the light enhanced zoom map view type. This type makes the map tiles completely white and allows you to zoom in much further than normal google maps tiles | |
Devices | Configure devices and their cameras | |
Devices/Appliances | Allows devices to be associated with appliances | |
Devices/Appliances/ApplianceOnly | Forces devices to require an appliance association | |
Devices/ShowCameraDevicesOnly | Only show devices that support cameras | |
Devices/ShowGetConfig | Allows retrieval and creation of the configuration for a server | |
Devices/ShowReferenceShots | Show reference shots for cameras within device setup | |
Dispatch | Manage dispatching | |
Dispatch/BulkAddGuards | Ability to Add / Upload multiple new guards at once | |
Dispatch/BulkUpdateGuards | Ability to edit multiple guards at once | |
Dispatch/ChangeGuardType | Ability to change a guards type | |
Dispatch/Covering | Ability to set a guard as covering for another to allow for breaks | |
Dispatch/UnassignCallsign | Ability to unassign a Callsign | |
Domains | Enable the setting-up of Domains | |
Domains/ActiveDirectory | Enables the Active Directory tab for managing domains on the Permissions page | |
EventCategorySetup | Configure event categories | |
EventTypeSetup | Configure manual raise alarm types | |
EventTypeSetup/Actions | Enables events to trigger actions | |
EventTypeSetup/DisplayEventNumberInTable | Displays the event number in the event type table | |
EventTypeSetup/EventCodes | Allows editing of event code and restore code within event configuration setup | |
EventTypeSetup/Geofence | Allow manual raise alarm types to record cameras geospatially | |
EventTypeSetup/MobileActionPlan | Gives the ability to set a mobile action plan via event type setup | |
ExternalMapLayers | Enables the ability to add and view external map layers | |
ExternalMapLayers/AutoSyncAttributes | Enables External Map Layer Attribute Syncing | |
ExternalMapLayers/FirstTwoIntegration | Enables First Two Integration for Site monitor, Views plugin and Maps | |
Insights | View report data | |
Insights/CustomSQLReports | Allow a user to create custom SQL Insight reports | |
Insights/Filters | Grouping of insight filters | |
Insights/Filters/IncludeEventCodeFilter | Gives the ability to filter on event codes. | |
Insights/Filters/IncludeRestoresFilter | Adds a filter for including/excluding restore alarms | |
Insights/ReportFavorites | Enables saving Insight Reports | |
Insights/ReportHistory | Enables viewing previously run Insight Reports | |
Insights/ShowAdvancedDateFilters | Show advanced date filters in filter options | |
Insights/ShowAllResults | Set default results to be max instead of the current default 100 | |
Integration | ||
Integration/Audio | When enabled, allows operators to use the audio options within the media matrix | |
Integration/CCure | ||
Integration/CCure/UI | Display CCure interaction interface for alarms | |
Integration/CCure/UI/AlarmPoints | ||
Integration/CCure/UI/AlarmPoints/BadgeActivity | Enables badge activity data in Alarm Points | |
Integration/CCure/UI/Lockdown | Enable Lockdown capability where Lockdown configurations can be set | |
Integration/CCure/UI/Lockdown/Reason | Allow a user to add a reason when updating lockdown configurations | |
Integration/CCure/UI/LogAll | Send log message to all CCure alarms in an event | |
Integration/CCure/UI/LogDoorAction | Creates a journal log in CCure after a door action has been carried out | |
Integration/CCure/UI/LogSingle | Send log message CCure alarm | |
Integration/CCure/UI/PostProcessingQueue | Show the post processing queue in the alarm processing page | |
Integration/CCure/UI/QuickControlEvents | Show Event Tab in Quick Controls | |
Integration/CCure/UI/ResetOnParked | Show CCure reset controls in Parked queue | |
Integration/CCure/UI/ResetOnTour | Show CCure reset controls in Tour queue | |
Integration/DynamicLink | Enables the dynamic link integration in the UI | |
Integration/Tasks | Enables the task link integration in Site Monitor | |
MapSetup | Allows creation and plotting of map layers and map items | |
MapSetup/Autosave | Enable auto save functionality for map items | |
MapSetup/CustomMapLayerItemIcons | Allows the creation of map layer item icons | |
MapSetup/EditRegions | Allows users to edit map layer item regions in map setup | |
MapSetup/MapConversion | Allows conversion of legacy maps into map layers in map setup | |
MapSetup/MapLayerItemTypeText | Enables the map layer item type of text | |
MapSetup/MapManagement | Allows the management of legacy maps in map setup | |
MapSetup/RecalibrateAlarmLocationFromDevice | Create/update a map layer item for the alarm using its associated device as the location | |
MapSetup/ShowBrokenMapItems | Shows any broken map items in the map setup with a separate icon and UI area where broken items can be selected and edited. A broken item filter also appears in the site monitor filter drop down. A map item is considered to be broken when the link between the map item and its corresponding device/alarm is invalid. | |
MapSetup/UnmappedDevices | Shows the list of unmapped devices in map setup | |
Mobile | ||
Mobile/Alarms | Mobile Alarms | |
Mobile/Alarms/ActionPlans | Enables the ability to view actions within a dispatch | |
Mobile/AssessmentTours | Enables Assessment Tours | |
Mobile/AssessmentTours/StepOrderOptional | Allows users to make assessment tours non-linear | |
Mobile/Call | Enables the call button in the mobile UI | |
Mobile/CheckIn | Enables deployed guards to check in at certain locations | |
Mobile/DeviceAssessment | Enables management of devices on mobile devices. | |
Mobile/Dispatch | Mobile guard interface | |
Mobile/Dispatch/LocationTracking | Mobile guard location tracking | |
Mobile/Duress | Enables a user to call a duress event | |
Mobile/EventQueue | Enables mobile users to see ongoing events | |
Mobile/GuardCovering | Enables guards to cover for each other within mobile | |
Mobile/GuardTours | Mobile Guard Tours interface | |
Mobile/GuardTours/ActionPlans | Enables the ability to add an action plan to a Guard Tour Step | |
Mobile/GuardTours/Scheduling | Enables the scheduling of Guard Tours | |
Mobile/GuardTours/StepOrderOptional | Allows users to make guard tours non-linear | |
Mobile/Live | Mobile live cameras interface | |
Mobile/LoneWorker | Enables management of lone workers on mobile devices. | |
Mobile/ManageDispatch | Manage dispatching from within mobile | |
Mobile/MobileRaise | Enables the ability to perform mobile raises on mobile | |
Mobile/VideoPush | Enables sending video feeds within the media matrix to mobile devices. | |
Mobile/Views | Mobile Views interface | |
NavMenu | ||
NavMenu/ExternalMenuLinks | Allows external Links within the nav menu | |
NavMenu/OpenInNewTab | ||
NavMenu/OpenInNewTab/Views | Opens Views in a new tab when selecting it in the NavMenu | |
NavMenu/SortAlphabetically | Sorts the NavMenu items alphabetically | |
Schedules | Enables the user to create scheduled tasks | |
Settings | Enables access to the V2 Settings page | |
Settings/CustomRegexDecoding | Reveals custom regex decoding settings in settings page. | |
Settings/DisarmReasons | Enables Management of the Disarm Reasons for System Admin users. | |
Settings/DispatchGuardTypes | Enables management of dispatch guard types. | |
Settings/FileStoreType | Enables access to choose the type when configuring a Filestore in the Settings page | |
Settings/Icons | Enables management of icons. | |
Settings/ShowPublicHolidaySettings | Reveals public holidays settings in settings page. | |
Settings/ShowRoutingGroupSettings | Reveals routing group settings in settings page. | |
Settings/SystemDevices | Enables Management of System Devices and Line Profiles. | |
SetupCallLists | Allows access to the Setup: Call List interface | |
SiteMonitor/EventExport | Enables exporting events in Site Monitor | |
Sync | Allows access to the sync setup interface | |
UserGroups | Configure user groups and permissions | |
Users | Configure users | |
Users/CanSetActiveDirectory | Allows Users to be created without a password for Active Directory use | |
Users/EmailAsUser | Users can log in with email address instead of username | |
Users/LandingPage | Default page after login for the user | |
VideoReporting | Allows access to the Video Reporting interface | |
VideoTours | Allows users to see the video tours setup page | |
Views | Highly customizable grid interface that allows users to create their own personalized or shared views made up of a number of customizable plugins | |
Views/AdHocSharing | Allows views to be shared with non-SureView users | |
Views/ManualRaise | Enables the ability to perform a manual raise from a camera within Views | |
Views/ManualRaise/Recording | Manual raises performed from a camera within Views will include 30 seconds of recorded footage in the alarm | |
Views/Map | Configure Map settings | |
Views/Map/Clustering | Allows clustering of nearby objects when zoomed out of the map | |
Views/Map/ShowActiveEvents | Enables markers to show for active events. | |
Views/Map/ShowInactiveAlarms | Allows displaying / filtering of inactive alarms on the map | |
Views/MultiWindowView | Enables multi window functionality for views and reveals all relevant controls for view pages. View pages are opened in their own window. | |
Views/PageKeeper | Enables page keeping functionality, if sub windows are closed and the main view window is still open, the closed window will be re-opened automatically. If the main window is closed and sub windows are still open, they will be closed automatically. This feature does nothing if MultiWindowViews is disabled. | |
Views/ResumeVideo | Enables video to be resumed on mobile devices. | |
Views/SearchTermsInAnyOrder | Enables searching for search terms in any order | |
Views/UseDedicatedCloseButton | Enables the visibility and usage of a dedicated close button in the tabs of views, rather than having to open their context menus to close them. | |
Views/UserGroups | Enables the ability to restrict Views to User Groups |
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